By: Anika Eastman
What is the POP club?
Originating at the Oregon City Farmers Market, the Power Of Produce (POP) club was started as a way to encourage young kids ages 5-12 to get involved in their local farmers markets and learn about healthy produce and eating.
According to Vital Communities:
“The Clubs are simple and fun. Kids sign up at the POP Host table and learn about the day’s produce-based activity. It might be a scavenger hunt, a quiz, or an easy salad recipe. After they complete the activity (everyone’s a winner!), children receive $3 of kids-only market money to spend on produce.”
Carol Stedman, who has always been passionate about encouraging kids to try and learn about healthy, fresh, produce, helped bring the POP club to the Hartland Farmers Market. In June of 2015 the Hartland Garden Club became a sponsor of the POP club, and it was introduced to the market. Carol states in an article published in the Valley News:
“I love seeing kids running through the market munching on a cucumber, or telling me they like snap peas better than snow peas when earlier that day they didn’t know the difference. It’s wonderful to see them asking questions and getting to know the farmers on a first-name basis. I see big kids helping little kids with the activities. And I see older people listening to what the farmers tell the kids. Sometimes you think that you should already know about something, so you think you shouldn’t ask or you’ll look stupid. But the whole game of this is to ask a lot of questions”.
** Link to Valley News article: https://www.vnews.com/Power-of-Produce-in-Upper-Valley-10987577
Link to Vermont’s Local Banquet Magazine Article Written by Carol: